
Welcome, Justin!

Here’s your chance to get to know 2-Story’s new Web Developer extraordinaire.


What do you never leave the house without?

Justin: Wallet, cell phone and chap stick.


You’re a family man. What is the most audacious thing your children have done under your watch?

Justin: One day last fall I was watching a Packer game before work. My son asks me “Dad, can I turn on cartoons?” My response was clearly a no. He then responded (of course with the rest of the kids agreeing), “Dad, all you do is watch sports.” That’s when I had my  “Why I oughta!” and “Back in my day…” moment and sent the kids outside to go rake leaves.


Sounds audacious. Way to be efficient… Now, be careful about the following answers…Walker’s Point or the East Side?

Justin: Walker’s Point! My grandparents grew up here and my father, grandfather and I all went to Milwaukee Tech H.S.


Mad Men or Arrested Development?  

Justin: Arrested Development. I always prefer a comedy.


Soufflé or Pâté?

Justin: Soufflé. I was a fat kid growing up, so I love cake.


What are some of your favorite things about Milwaukee?

Justin: Beer, brats, and cheese… the normal things people like about Milwaukee. Well, the long winters, short summers, and unpredictable weather are pretty great, too.


Is web developing more like knitting or peanut butter & jelly? And why?

Justin: Probably more like knitting. I spent too long trying to come up with a clever way to relate it to PB&J, because I love PB&J. But no luck, it’s like knitting.


Mac or PC?

Justin: Mac


What are some of your hobbies?

Justin: I enjoy playing basketball, watching sports and drawing. Oh, Fantasy Football, too.


Tell us a secret about yourself. Just kidding, you don’t have too. But really, fill us in.

Justin: I had a mullet in 2nd and 3rd grade that evolved into a shaved head with long bangs in the 6th grade.


Last but not least, what do you have to say about being the only guy at 2-Story? (At least for the time being.)

Justin: Well, I guess I’m the most handsome and intelligent guy that works here.


Wise words, Justin, wise words. 




New campaign for the Y

Now is the time of year that most people spend resolving to improve their lives – mentally, physically, socially, etc. It’s the time of year that people look to surround themselves with people and organizations that can help them achieve their goals.

Our latest campaign for the YMCA encourages cranksters, meanies and pessimists NOT to join the Y. After all, the Y is a wonderful, friendly place for people of all ages to join together to get fit, be active and have fun. We wouldn’t want that to be compromised, of course. View the TV spot below, and the rest of the campaign here.



We’re thrilled to announce that 2-Story’s commercials for the Milwaukee Brewers have been named finalists in the PromaxBDA Sports Media Marketing Awards!

Our campaign “MVP TV,” which features Aaron Rodgers and Ryan Braun along with other Brewers players, is up for the “Best TV/Video Campaign” and one of those spots, “Glare,” is up for the “Best Use of Humor” title. We’re up against some heavy-hitters from across the country – so wish us luck! Winners will be announced in NYC in November.

We’re finalists in the Teams, Leagues, Conferences and Collegiate category. You’ll find the Brewers spots listed on pages 1 & 2.


What’s your story?